Since the election of Barack Obama, it’s becoming more and more obvious that a lot of people out there don’t get the difference in liberalism and socialism, so I thought I would clear a few things up. The US is considered a “mixed economy” which is based on capitalism with some socialist principals (Medicare, Social Security, public schools, road infrastructure, and emergency services).
1. First of all, liberals believe in the concept of same opportunity and different results. Socialists believe in the concept of same opportunity and same results. Conservatives generally support a free for all and if you can’t take care of yourself, too bad even if you are a hard working person.
2. Wages: Liberals believe that a person should be allowed to earn as much money as they want. They just believe that the very wealthy should have to pay a higher percentage of taxes to help those who are struggling, in addition to necessary services like infrastructure. There’s always motivation to continue to want to make more wages. Socialists believe that all people should have the same income, which eliminates motivation and innovation. Keep in mind that there are MANY tax breaks available to businesses, which means that Donald Trump won’t be as heavily taxed per dollar made as Tiger Woods or Tom Cruise. Athletes and entertainers can afford heavier taxes since they don’t have a business and employers to invest in. Hugh Heffner can get a tax break for taking his playmates out to dinner (since they are meeting on “business”) and I know of a business that recently got a tax break for expanding its facilities, which led to an increase in employees. The current economic crisis was mostly due to greed that Republican policies permitted, along with the sub-prime housing disaster (the later being initiated by Democrats).
3. Occupation: Liberals believe you should choose your own career and socialist don’t.
4. Housing: Liberals believe you should be allowed to live anywhere as long as you can afford it and socialist tell you where to live.
5. Transportation: Liberals believe you should be allowed to buy a car instantly and as long as you can afford it and socialists want everyone to drive the same car that requires you to wait years on a list to get.
6. Religion: Most liberals are Christian and socialists are atheist. It doesn’t make a difference to me what you’re religion is, but obviously there’s a difference.
7. Education: Liberals believe that you should be allowed to choose between a public or alternative education. Socialists require public education.
8. Motherhood: Liberals believe that women should be allowed to stay home with their children if they want. Socialists pressure women to gets jobs because it’s their duty in supporting the greater nation.
9. Ownership: Liberals believe in private ownership that requires moderate regulation. Socialists don’t believe in any private ownership and no one can work for anyone except the government. If you baby-sit or mown someone’s grass and they want to compensate you, they can feed you or give you a cheap gift.
10. Welfare State: Liberals believe that welfare assistance should be available for the poorest members of the population. Socialists support a complete welfare state. Bloggers who claim that the
11. Health care: With the passing of health care reform, most Americans will still receive their insurance through private companies. Socialist countries require their citizens to get insurance throught the government.
12. Incentive: Liberals always have an incentive to make more money (whether they take advantage is another thing). If you want to see great American rages to riches success stories, look at Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, or the people that are featured on "How Did You Get So Rich?," hosted by Joan Rivers on TV Land every Wed. during the summer at 10pm.
There are a few instances of socialism that do exist in the US that are worth mentioning and are downright disturbing.
1. When patients are omitted to a nursing home, they are required to liquidate all but $1500 in assets, regardless of income and savings. Regardless of who you are, you get stripped to nothing. People should be charged on a progressive scale, just like our tax system is. This way people who owned more assets will still pay more, but they will also be left with more to pass on to their children. The only way to get out of this is if the home and its assets are placed in the name of a caregiver at least 3 years prior to admittance in the nursing home.
2. Youth sports programs that don’t keep score. If you don’t keep score, how are you going to know how well or poorly you’re doing? It eliminates incentive and motivation to improve if the score doesn’t matter.
Hopefully, that all makes sense J
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